Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
- Health Canada


Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine.
La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. - Santé Canada



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News — vape shop

*** MUST READ***

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***MUST READ***   Now you can have your say about Bill S-5. This is an official public consultation to the Government of Canada regarding the proposals for the regulation of vaping products.   GET YOUR VOICES HEARD!   Share, share again, reshare.Consultation on proposals for the regulation of vaping products

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*Regina vaping bylaw UPDATE*

ecigarettes electronic cigarettes regina health legislation news regina regulations research science smoking study vape shop vape shop regina vaping vaping isn't smoking

From limited research provided to me by someone in the know, Page 12 of the minutes of the December 19th council meeting Mayor Fougere (mfougere@regina.ca) had the notice of motion along with the following councillors: Sharron Bryce - sbryce@regina.caBob Hawkins - bhawkins@regina.caMike O'Donnell - modonnell@regina.caBarbara Young - byoung@regina.caLori Bresciani (seconded the motion) - lbrescia@regina.ca These are the councillors that we will need to lean on. Education and professionalism are key.

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Site is [almost] ready to go!

electronic cigarettes regina qcv queen city vapes regina site launch store news vape shop vape shop regina

The site has been updated with all of our inventory, and is awaiting your orders. Our official launch is Feb 28th, but you can use the new site here to place orders. The old site will still be available, and yes it'll be a little cumbersome for us to work with fulfilling orders from both sites, but we want to make sure our Shopify site is working 100% before launch! I suppose that makes you our beta testers, but Shopify is a pretty solid system so there shouldn't be any bugs whatsoever. Please let us know if you experience any...

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