Please see our previous announcement here.
Dear Customers:
We are implementing the following policies at our retail location, for the health and safety of everyone -customers and staff.
Please Note: Local delivery will no longer be available effective May 17th.
Effective May 19, 2020:
- There will be a maximum of 5 customers allowed inside the store, at any given time. This provides sufficient physical distancing for all parties.
- The door will be locked when the maximum number of 5 customers has been reached. Please form a line outside and practice appropriate physical distancing. Customers will be served in order.
- Customers should be prepared to be served on an in-and-out basis, except in the case of a new vaper, who requires further assistance/education. This will keep the wait time down for other customers.
- Customers must maintain a distance of 2 metres from the counter(s)/staff, except when payment is being accepted.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at the back counter and at point of sale.
- Point of sale equipment, countertop, and door handles will be cleaned and sanitized after each use.
- Warranty returns cannot be accepted at this time. Please contact the manufacturer.
- No sampling of eliquid or handling of demo/display devices.
- Vaping inside the store is strictly prohibited. Please adhere to Provincial and Municipal vaping/smoking bylaws.
- Staff will no longer provide coil installs (rebuildables, coil heads, etc.) nor handle the customer’s device. Staff will continue to instruct how to operate the device.
- Please continue to utilize the website as much as possible for product information, and/or purchases. Curbside pickup will remain in place for the time being.
Thank you for your business! Everyone’s health and safety is our top priority at Queen City Vapes.