*** MUST READ***
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***MUST READ*** Now you can have your say about Bill S-5. This is an official public consultation to the Government of Canada regarding the proposals for the regulation of vaping products. GET YOUR VOICES HEARD! Share, share again, reshare.Consultation on proposals for the regulation of vaping products
Parliamentary Petition E-1237
ATTENTION CANADIANS - Take a few minutes and sign this petition. Why is this petition different? It is a parliamentary petition which means it is sponsored by a Member of Parliament. Under the House of Commons rules, a Parliamentary Petition must be read in the House of Commons once it reaches 500 valid signatures from Canadian Citizens or Canadian Residents. So take a few minutes and have your voice heard. Thank you for your support!
*Regina vaping bylaw UPDATE*
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From limited research provided to me by someone in the know, Page 12 of the minutes of the December 19th council meeting Mayor Fougere ( had the notice of motion along with the following councillors: Sharron Bryce - sbryce@regina.caBob Hawkins - bhawkins@regina.caMike O'Donnell - modonnell@regina.caBarbara Young - byoung@regina.caLori Bresciani (seconded the motion) - These are the councillors that we will need to lean on. Education and professionalism are key.
Access & Choice – Canada’s Upcoming Federal Vaping Regs
ecigarettes health legislation regulations vaping vaping isn't smoking
Brett Stafford from Regulator Watch covers Canada's upcoming federal vaping regulations (video link at bottom)."Access and choice, these two principles are at the heart of every regulatory battle over vaping. With the government of Canada’s recent announcement that it plans to introduce the country’s first ever federal vaping regulations later this fall, RegWatch takes a look at what vapers could expect. Tune in to our one-on-one conversation with Samuel Tam, communications chair at the Canadian Vaping Association and hear about how access and choice are at the forefront of advocacy efforts in Canada—only on RegWatch by – October...
E-Cigarettes : Welcome Back, Big Tobacco
ecigarettes health legislation news regulations research smoking tobacco vaping vaping isn't smoking
From CBC's The Fifth Estate: "Big Tobacco is trying clean up its image, moving into the booming e-cigarette business which continuing to peddle the deadly tobacco products. This has left public health officials in Canada, the U.K. and the US Five million Canadians still smoke. Could e-cigarettes help wean them over to a safer nicotine delivery device? Many ex-smokers say 'yes.' E-cigarettes are their salvation.Health Canada is on the cusp of deciding how e-cigarettes should be regulated. Mark Kelly heads to England -- a country that has taken bold steps in embracing the e-cigarette as a safer alternative. Will Canada?...