Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
- Health Canada


Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine.
La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. - Santé Canada



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Queen City Vapes Est. 2014
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Extreme Shipping Delays

We have been receiving an influx of emails and phone calls regarding abnormally long wait times for order deliveries, starting with orders placed within the last week of November. Canada Post and other couriers are experiencing higher than normal parcel volumes for this time of year, due to a combination of the holiday season and many folks being at home and ordering online due to COVID-19. In some cases, depending on the region (mainly Canada Post’s BC and Ontario main processing facilities), this can result in a 2+ week delay, and couriers are not guaranteeing delivery times. Under no circumstances...

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CRC (Child-Resistant Certified) Update

We've been informing customers for a while now, but for those that don't know...all "containers" (open-pods, tanks, etc) are required to be Child-Resistant Certified (CRC) by Jan 1 2021. As of right now, this DOES affect [what will become] legacy products such as RDA's/RTA's/RDTA's; non-CRC tanks (e.g. OFRF nexMESH, Falcon 2); non-CRC pod systems (e.g. Caliburn & KoKo, SMOK Mico), along with their coils and parts. As of right now, retailers and distributors must deplete their non-compliant stock by Jan 1st. The Canadian Vaping Association has approached Health Canada to request an extension, due to the current...circumstances...as factories, labs, testing facilities,...

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*New* Retail Location Policies & Procedures Effective May 19, 2020

  Please see our previous announcement here. Dear Customers: We are implementing the following policies at our retail location, for the health and safety of everyone -customers and staff. Please Note: Local delivery will no longer be available effective May 17th. Effective May 19, 2020: There will be a maximum of 5 customers allowed inside the store, at any given time. This provides sufficient physical distancing for all parties. The door will be locked when the maximum number of 5 customers has been reached. Please form a line outside and practice appropriate physical distancing. Customers will be served in order....

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Effective Thursday March 26, 2020 Important ONLY for customers visiting our retail location, if you're ordering online this will NOT affect you.  Per government mandate, we are closed to the public as vape shops have been deemed non-essential businesses. We are allowed eCommerce for delivery and curbside pickup. We will offer free delivery in Regina for all orders over $25. Option for local delivery will no longer be available effective May 17th. To place an order, please call or visit our website at www.queencityvapes.ca and choose Store Pickup or Local Delivery from shipping options. Online orders to locations outside of Regina will NOT be affected by...

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Steps we're taking during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Steps we're taking during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hey folks! An important announcement...PLEASE READ IN ITS ENTIRITY. In an effort to reduce interaction between staff and the general public, we would like to limit traffic in and out of the store as much as possible. So for our local shoppers, our suggestion is to place your order online at www.queencityvapes.ca and choose store pickup. We will notify you via email when your order is ready. Alternatively, you can have your order shipped to you via Canada Post. Shipping is free for all orders in Canada over $75 before taxes. Payment options online are Visa, Mastercard, and email money...

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